Off Campus Housing

Since Mount Holyoke College is a residential college, it will continue to foster and strengthen the residence hall program which it considers to be a vital part of each student's undergraduate experience.

However, some students sincerely believe that the experience of living off-campus, in housing of their own choosing, will be of benefit to them. The College has agreed that some members of the student body may live off-campus during the academic year on a very limited basis. A finite number of applications will be accepted with priority going to seniors then juniors then sophomores.This is for students who are approved to live locally and attend classes in-person. Those approved will be able to obtain off-campus housing of their choice for the academic year. These students will not be required to pay the College charges for room and board, but will be required to pay for each meal eaten on campus, consistent with arrangements already in effect for Community students. By not paying the charges for room and board, the student is fully responsible for finding and paying for their own off-campus housing. Students who have accepted permission to live off-campus should understand that housing in College residence halls cannot be guaranteed if a student decides they would like to resume living on campus. Please make housing arrangements with this in mind.

For students receiving need-based financial aid, you must contact Student Financial Services before you apply about how living off-campus will impact your financial aid package. If you are approved to live off-campus by residential life, you will not be charged for MHC room and board. Room and board will also be removed from your financial aid cost of attendance. Please email with any questions you may have.

Applications to live off-campus for the 2024–2025 academic year will be available beginning Friday, February 16, 2024 and must be submitted to the Office of Residential Life by 5 pm on Friday, March 1, 2024. Please fill out the  Off Campus Application.

All senior applications will be considered first. Decisions will be sent via email by 5:00 PM on March 6, 2024. Off-campus housing will then be offered to juniors and then sophomores if space is available. A waiting list will be established from those students whose applications have been received but who are not eligible to live off-campus at this time. Should vacancies occur on the off-campus housing list, the vacancies may be filled from the waiting list.

Once approved for permission to live off-campus, you must accept the off-campus status by following the instructions in the email you receive with permission. Failure to accept the off-campus housing offer by the deadline will void your request and you will need to reapply for placement on the waiting list.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Residential Life at