Room Change Process

Room Change Freeze

A freeze in room changes occurs at the beginning and end of each semester so that the Office of Residential Life can confirm semester assignments and verify open space. Room changes cannot be initiated during this period (August 24, 2022 - September 21, 2022 and November 15, 2022 - December 20, 2022)

Room Change Request

Any senior, junior, or sophomore may choose to submit a room change in the fall to request a change in their housing for the spring semester. First-year students are not eligible to file a Room Change Request form during the fall semester for the spring semester unless they have permission from their Area Coordinator. Room Change Request forms are available in Residence. Forms are considered in order of class seniority and a randomly assigned order number based on available space. Room change requests for the spring semester are processed in January and for the fall during the summer. Students are notified of request status via email. Students must accept any changes granted; however, requesting a change of room does not guarantee that a move will be granted.

Students looking to move during the current semester should make an appointment with their Area Coordinator to explore options available at that time.

Room Swapping

To change rooms in a room swap, a student must find another student with the same type of room, i.e., single for single or completely filled double for another completely filled double, willing to switch rooms. If all students involved in the room change agree to the proposed switch, two individuals may change rooms. All parties must confirm in writing via email with the Director or Associate Director of Residential Life. Once the move has been approved, a moving date is set. You cannot swap rooms with someone who is going on leave (including Study Abroad), finishing in December, going to live off campus or withdrawing. You may only switch rooms with someone who will be on campus for spring semester and who has the same type of room (ie: single for single, double for double, etc.)

Students Without Roommates

From time to time, a student will find themselves in a room with a space available. When this occurs, the Office of Residential Life may contact the student to confirm the vacancy and to give the student an opportunity to fill the vacancy on their own. The student living in the space may propose to the Office of Residential Life a possible new roommate. When such a suggestion will consolidate space (meaning, if the requested roommate is also living in a room without a roommate), the Office of Residential Life will make every effort to grant the request. However, if the requested roommate is living with another student, the Office of Residential Life may ask the students to come up with a plan for how the new vacancy will be addressed. Please note that the Office of Residential Life reserves the right to administratively assign students.

When a student has no plans to fill the space immediately, the Office of Residential Life will give share the matching profile -- name information redated -- to any student requesting a move who is looking for a new roommate

Notice about
New Roommates

We make every effort to give the person who will be getting a new roommate 24 hours notice that a new roommate is moving in, but this is not always possible in emergency situations. That's why it's so important that students in half open doubles leave half the room ready for a new roommate at any time. Please note that students living in these situations cannot reject possible new roommates simply to use the space as a single. If this happens, the student may be asked to move to another room by the Office of Residential Life or face additional consequences such as a conduct violation or referral to the Honor Code Council. It is also not possible to hold a space for a student who is returning from a leave (study abroad or any other leave) in the following semester.

Students who wish to live together after a student returns from a leave should both go through the room change/housing request process and list each other as the requested roommate. The Office of Residential Life will try to honor these mutual requests if space is available.