Frequently Asked Question

  • What size mattress are there?

    The mattresses at Mount Holyoke are twin in size.  Extra-Long Twin or Twin sheets will work

  • What size mattress are there?

    The mattress at its lowest setting is 13.5 inches above the floor. At its highest setting: 22.5 inches above the floor.

  • Can I ship things to campus?

    You can order supplies from popular retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Target, and more, and have them shipped directly to the College starting August 15th. Items mailed to the College before August 15th will be returned to sender.

    All student mail must use the format
    50 College Street MHC ####
    South Hadley MA 01075-1461

    (#### = mailstop number - you can find your mailstop number in - This number will remain the same during your time at Mount Holyoke.

  • Do we need to bring bed risers?

    Bed risers are not provided, but the bed has multiple settings.

  • What is the lock system (i.e. card, code, key) for the res hall and room??

    You use your one card to get into the buildings and a traditional key to get into your room for the majority of the residence halls.

    If you live in Safford or Creighton your OneCard will let you into the building as well as your room.

  • Are there two closets or just one in a double?

    It depends most double rooms have two closets or a closet and a wardrobe but there are some rooms where there is 1 larger closet for the two individuals.

  • How big are the bookcases?

    Some rooms have built in bookcases others have a 3 shelf bookcase, about 3 feet in height.

  • How do students do laundry on campus?

    Laundry Machines are on the ground floor of every residence hall. Laundry is free to use.

  • What can you use to hang things on the walls?

    Command strips just learn the proper way to take them off. No mounting putty/sticky tack.

  • How long does it take to walk from one end of the campus to the other? / How long does it take to walk around the campus?

    From one corner to the next, it’s not longer than 20 minutes for an average pace, it can take 25 if walking slow.

  • Is there a place to refill water bottles ?

    There are water bottle fillers in 1837, Creighton, Ham, MacGregor, Mandelle, Rockefeller (South). 
    The water on campus is certainly potable everywhere except the parts of the science center and those faucets are clearly labeled as nonpotable. There are additional water filters in the following locations:

    Res Hall Location
    1837 All Fl. Kitchenette
    Abbey All Fl. Kitchenette
    Brigham 2nd. Fl. Kitchenette
    Buckland 2nd. Fl. Kitchenette
    Creighton 1st. Fl. Kitchenette
    Dickinson Kitchen
    Ham 2nd. Fl. Kitchenette
    MacGregor 2nd. Fl. Kitchenette
    Mandelle (North) All Fl. Kitchenrttes
    Mandelle (South) All Fl. Kitchenrttes
    Mead 1st. Fl. Kitchenette
    Pearsons Annex Kitchen
    Pearsons 2nd. Fl. Kitchenette
    Porter 1st. Fl. Kitchenette
    Prospect Ground fl.
    Rockefeller (North) 3rd. Fl Kitchenette
    Rockefeller (South) 3rd. Fl Kitchenette
    Safford 1st. Fl. Kitchenette
    Torrey Ground Level Kitchenette
    Wilder 2nd. Fl. Kitchenette