A photograph of a white van reading "Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley Massachusetts" in a parking lot.

The Office of Student Involvement must pre-approve all overnight trips and/or travel 50 miles or more outside of the 5 College Consortium area prior to any student group confirming travel, making reservations, or paying any costs. RSOs cannot apply for SGA Ways & Means funding until the trip is pre-approved by Student Involvement. Groups must complete all travel requirements before traveling. Any travel that has not met all requirements or is not approved by Student Involvement could lead to consequences for your student group, including loss of funding, inability to travel for the following year, and or de-recognition of your group. Please review the entire Travel Policy. For expectations and policy regarding voluntary and college-sponsored travel, please review the Five College Risk Management Guidelines. Drivers must be credentialed through an online training hosted by the Fleet Services Office, and groups should fill out a Fleet Vehicle Authorization Form, which will be approved as long as the group is Recognized.

RSOs, SGA & Class Boards

A photograph of students from the Mount Holyoke Symphony Orchestra. They are standing on the steps in front of Abbey Chapel with their instruments, and dressed in black.

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    All students who are leading college-sponsored travel 50+ miles away from the 5 College area and/or an overnight trip on behalf of a recognized student organization, SGA, or a Class Board are required to follow the guidelines for each time they travel:

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    Travel Training with Student Involvement

    Each year: group leaders are required to attend a live training session at the beginning of each semester, date TBA. to review the travel policies and accident resources.

    Student Organizations: (3 attendees) 2 officers/trip leaders + treasurer

    SGA, Committees & Class Boards: (2 attendees) President/chair + treasurer

    All drivers (regardless of vehicle, whether fleet, rental, or personal) must be credentialed to drive with Fleet Services.

    All groups wishing to borrow a fleet van should complete the Fleet Authorization Form.

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    Intent to Travel Form

    Each trip: submitted at least 4 weeks prior to anticipated travel.

    The group will be notified within 5-7 business days whether they are pre-approved (full approval pending receipt of travel documentation) and will be given the travel documentation forms.

    Groups must obtain pre-approval before confirming travel, making reservations, or paying any costs.

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    Pre-Approval: Funding & Expenses

    Each trip, upon pre-approval: groups can make a Ways & Means Budget Request for funding. Please keep in mind that funding requests must be submitted a month in advance, so groups should plan accordingly.

    All financial travel transactions, including rentals and hotel bookings, must be conducted by the group Treasurer in the SGA Business Office, Blanchard 308.

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    Planning Checklist and Travel Documentation

    Each trip, upon pre-approval: This form will be sent to the trip leader(s) once the Travel Request form is approved. This form should be completed and sent to the Associate Director at least 5 business days prior to departure.

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    RSO Travel Waiver

    Each trip: each participant must submit a waiver online.

Club Sports

A photograph of seven members of an equestrian team jumping and waving.

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    All Club Sports trip leaders are responsible for following the guidelines for trip leaders and for submitting the following at the beginning of each semester:

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    Travel Training with Student Involvement

    Each year: 2 group members are required to attend a live training session: (1) captain / trip leader; (2) the treasurer. The training will be offered at the beginning of each semester, date TBA. to review the travel policies and accident resources.

    All drivers (regardless of vehicle, whether fleet, rental, or personal) must be credentialed to drive with Fleet Services.

    All groups wishing to borrow a fleet van should complete the Fleet Authorization Form.

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    Club Sports Competition Schedule & Travel Form

    Each semester: Captains will have access to their club’s tab. Please enter your full schedule for the semester (home and away) as well as requested details. Due: before your first competition, whether it’s home or away. You should update this whenever your competition schedule changes.

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    Club Sports Emergency Contacts & Roster

    Each semester: Captains will have access to their club’s tab. Please complete any missing information, which will be highlighted in yellow. Due: before your first competition, whether it’s home or away. You should update this when you have a change to your roster or someone’s emergency contact information.

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    Travel-Related Expenses

    All financial travel transactions, including rentals and hotel bookings, must be conducted by the team Treasurer in the SGA Business Office, Blanchard 308.

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    Club Sports Travel Waiver

    Each semester: each participant must submit a waiver online before traveling.