RSO Annual Recognition

The Annual Re-Recognition form opens on April 17th and groups will need to complete the form before they are able to re-access Embark.

Information about training requirements, constitutions and advisors will be communicated in August.

If you need assistance with the form, contact us or see our Embark Resources website.

Students dressed in blue and green pose and smile for the camera on Convocation Day.

Recognized Student Organizations (RSO) must complete the re-recognition process annually with the Office of Student Involvement. Once a group is Recognized, it can access campus services and resources, including funding and the ability to hold events. If an RSO fails to complete the recognition process, it will be placed on inactive status for that academic year. After two years of inactive status, an organization will become defunct.

Organizations that are not currently Recognized and students looking to start an organization should look at the resources on the Forming an Organization page.


Open Date


Due Date


April 17th

Re-Recognition Form

September 8th


August 23 RSO 101 (Part 1) | RSO Policies (Part 2) September 15th Yes
August 23 Financial trainings (Ways & Means & Business Office) Required before a group can request or access funds. Yes, if a student group plans to request or access funding


Travel training (forms open)

Required before group travel.

Yes, when a student group is approved to travel.


Event training (basic and complex)

Beginning of each semester. Groups planning complex events will receive additional support and advising.

Yes, if a student group is planning to host an event.
February Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training Sessions will be held February-April Yes
TBD Biyearly constitution update with Community Guidelines section / Audition Criteria, if applicable TBD Constitutions and Community Standards are required for all groups, updated biyearly.  Audition Criteria is required for groups that require auditions or tryouts for membership or to perform
Ongoing Anti-Hazing Agreement / Risk Waiver should be completed by every group member upon their first log-in to your group Rolling / Prompted in Embark Yes. Officers must ensure that Embark member roster is up to date.
August 23 Storage / Space Agreement Ongoing Yes, for groups that have items stored on campus.

Re-Recognition Process

Recognition Requirements

The annual Student Organization Re-Recognition process opens April 17th with the registration form on Embark. The registration form is due by September 8th at 11:55pm. The RSO 101 training quiz is due on September 15th. If these items are not received, your organization / group will be listed as inactive for the 2024-2025 academic year. Members will be prompted to sign the Anti-Hazing agreement when they first log into their Embark group. If you think that your group will be unable to meet this requirement, please contact us in advance to discuss.

Requirements for all Groups:

  • Registration Form (you will be prompted in Embark starting April 17th)
  • RSO 101, Part 1 (training & quiz completed by 2 officers)
  • RSO Policies, Part 2 (training & quiz completed by 2 officers)
  • All members should sign the Anti-Hazing Agreement / Risk Waiver when prompted in Embark.
  • All groups should have a staff or faculty advisor, or coach.
  • DEI training
  • All groups will need to update their constitution biyearly. Groups that did not submit an updated constitution in 2023-2024 will be required to submit one in the fall semester.

After we process the requirements for re-recognition, your organization / group will receive access to the following privileges: Use of available campus facilities and services, MHC and Embark web page, eligibility for available SGA funds, etc.

Required, if Applicable:

Financial Training

Groups planning to request Ways & Means funding and use the Business Office.

Event training

In-person training sessions for simple events will be offered at the beginning of each semester. Groups that plan to host complex events (conferences, cultural shows), parties, concerts) will receive additional support and guidance that is specific to their proposed event.

Travel training

Required if a group is intends to take an overnight trip or to travel more than 50 miles from the College (note that any driver(s) will need to be certified through the Fleet Office).

Audition criteria

Groups that hold auditions or tryouts should have their criteria clearly defined in their constitution.

Storage agreement

Groups that have storage space on campus must submit this agreement annually.

Details about Recognition Items

Students in the Bhangra dance group performing on the stage of the Amphitheater wearing matching outfits of black tops and green pants.

  • Re-Registration Form

    This must be completed by September 8th.  This form collects group information, such as officers and advisors.

    A prompt to re-register will appear on the organization's group page the first time an officer tries to access the the group page. Follow the link to complete the form. Officers will not have access to their group's functions until this form is completed and submitted!

    If you started the form and saved it as a draft, go to the left hand menu on your home page (once you log in) and then click "My Surveys/Forms" to find it again. When you have completed the form, make sure to click Submit. You will not find the form if you look for it through your group's Survey section. You need to look in your own.

    To update your roster:

    Your officers should manually add officers and members to your group. This should be monitored and updated on an ongoing basis.

  • RSO 101 (Part 1) & RSO Policies (Part 2)

    This requirement must be completed by September 15th.

    Two group officers must review the training slides and complete the associated quiz (scoring 100%) for both Part 1 and Part 2 of the RSO training. If you represent more than one group, you can have your quiz count for all of them.

  • Event Training

    All groups planning to hold events will need to have their e-board and event planners participate in one in-person Event Training session.

    • Dates TBD

    Groups that plan to host complex events (conferences, cultural shows), parties, concerts) will receive additional support and guidance that is specific to their proposed event.

  • Financial Training

    Ways & Means Training

    The Ways & Means training will open in August.

    SGA Business Office Training

    The Business Office training will open in August. In person training sessions will be offered throughout the year. Each organization must have two members (the Treasurer and another board member) complete both of these trainings to become an Authorized Signer so that they can access their group's funds and make financial transactions.

  • DEI Training

    Session date(s) TBD, late fall

    We require that 2 officers from each student organization participate in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training hosted by The Office of Community and Belonging. The schedule and format are TBD.

    As an outcome of these training sessions, student groups will be creating anti-racist plans for their organization. Many groups have begun to create plans, but it is important for this work to be ongoing and for rising group leaders to have the opportunity to participate in training and bring ideas back to their group.

  • Constitutions

    Constitution requirements will be communicated in September.

    All student organizations are required to submit an updated constitution to the Office of Student Involvement every two years as part of their DEI training. More information will be shared in September.

    They can be uploaded to your group page: Dashboard -> Settings -> Basic Information, or submitted through your registration form.

  • Storage & Space Agreement

    Due by October 7th.

    All student organizations who use storage space on campus, regardless of its location, should submit the Office & Storage Space Agreement, which will open in August.

    Signing the agreement indicates that you understand and will abide by the RSO storage policies.

  • Anti-Hazing Agreement & Risk Waiver

    All members must complete.

    Group officers will be given information in training, and then will be responsible for sharing that information with group members, and making sure that members sign the Agreement.

    Officers are responsible for updating their group's member roster in Embark, and communicating to members to log into their group.

    All members will be prompted to sign this document when they log into Embark.

  • Travel Training

    Completed by groups that plan to travel.

    Travel overnight or more than 50 miles from the College requires trip approval. Mandatory training sessions for groups intending to travel will be held in September, October, February, and March (dates TBD). Two trip leaders and two authorized signers per organization are required to attend a session. One trip leader and the Treasurer must attend for every Club Sports team. Drivers must be certified through the Fleet Office. Any group wanting to travel should have their trip leader(s) attend a training.

  • Additional Training (Optional)

    Embark weekly training - dates TBD

    Other (optional) trainings provide include topics such as leadership workshops, constitution review, recruiting members, and more. You can check those out on our Training page, or look for our events posted on Embark.