Storage & Spaces

This page outlines the guidelines for use of student group work and storage space on campus. The group must be in compliance with all rules and regulations set forth in this document at all times. Any member of your group authorized to access the space must be familiar with and follow these regulations. If at any time throughout the year you have questions, contact the Office of Student Involvement.

Storage SPace agreement

An aerial photograph of Blanchard Hall at dusk in the springtime.

  • Space Expectations

    Space allocation is a privilege and not a right. Use of workspace is limited to official student group business and not for personal use. The use of the workspace is only for members of the group; no other individuals are authorized to access or use the space. The doors to the workspace should always be locked when not in use and should never be left unlocked when unattended. You must abide by state and local laws and College policies at all times.

  • Storage / Space Locations & Contacts

    • Blanchard Hall offices, storage closets, and storage room, Managed by the Office of Student Involvement: Jaime DeCaro & Laura Sattler
    • Student group storage and office space in Residence Halls (Ham, Rockies, Delles, Abbey) - Managed by the Office of Student Involvement / Office of Residential Life: Nashalie Vazquez & Jaime DeCaro
    • Cultural Center, Elliot House, Unity Center, and Fearless First Resource & Community Center - Managed by the Office of Community and Belonging: Latrina Denson & Annie Clattenburg
    • Athletics / Kendall storage spaces - Managed by Athletics: Bardee Sadlier
    • Outing Club Cabin - Managed by the Office of Student Involvement: Jaime DeCaro
  • Damage or Loss to Stored Items

    You are responsible for the security of the items stored. Neither the Office of Student Involvement nor Mount Holyoke College will be held responsible for any misplaced, lost, stolen, or damaged items, regardless of the cause of such damage or loss. Please be wary of what you store and keep an accurate inventory of equipment/items. The inventory of materials stored should be updated each semester.

    If your group discovers damage or loss to stored items, you must notify the Office of Student Involvement immediately. Damaged items should be thoroughly documented, including photos of the damage, and shared with the Office of Student Involvement for review. Do not discard damaged items, or remove them from storage, without additional instruction from the Office of Student Involvement.

    If you have items that are missing, or may have been stolen, from your storage space please contact the Office of Student Involvement and Public Safety as soon as possible.

    If you have concerns about the environment/space in which your items are being stored, please let the Office of Student Involvement know so that we may work with you to come up with possible solutions.

  • Storage & Space Agreement (Required)

    This is an application/agreement form for student organizations interested in having office or storage space on campus.

    Authorized members of student organizations are allowed access to the storage space by speaking with the Office of Student Involvement, and can get OneCard access for members of orgs within Blanchard, or have access to keys for storage closets in other buildings. There will be a $10 deposit for every key lent out, which will be returned when the key is returned. Access to Blanchard spaces is only granted during building open hours, during the academic year.

    Follow the link to complete the form. This must be completed annually, regardless of where the storage space or office is located.

    ***Student Involvement Consultants, MoZone and Cultural Center employees do not need to apply because they are student employees affiliated with a department.

  • Space Limitation Policy in Blanchard 108

    Groups may have 2 tote-size boxes in their assigned cabinet, and may store posters in the corner of the room. All items must be labeled with the group name.

    At the end of each semester, the Office of Student Involvement will hold clean up days, where we will provide trash bags and cleaning supplies - all groups are responsible for cleaning up / out their spaces.

  • Limitation Policy for Groups Using Blanchard 108 and Other Spaces on Campus

    Storage space is limited on campus, and we are unable to grant access to multiple spaces to a given group. Student groups affiliated with and who have storage space in the Eliot House, the Cultural Centers, in Residence Halls, or Kendall may not also store items in Blanchard Hall unless they submit a Cabinet Space Request and are approved by the Office of Student Involvement. Space is not guaranteed.

  • Prohibited Items

    These items are prohibited and may not be stored in your space:

    • Open containers or packages of food, or expired food
    • Flammable or combustible materials (check for labels) Including but not limited to: oxygen or helium tanks, charcoal, aerosol cans, Sterno or other chafing gels, fuels, large-capacity lighters, camping lamps (oil), chemicals, etc.
    • Any type of paint with the exception of tempera
    • Weapons
    • Items otherwise prohibited by state or local laws or College policy
    • Tickets, cash-related items, and money (any money should be deposited in your campus account) and valuables.
    • Any personal items (ex: clothing, furniture, books)
  • Safety

    In an emergency situation or an alarm drill, you will be required to leave the building. No exceptions. You should report any suspicious behavior to the Public Safety immediately, regardless of the time of day. You must exit the building when it closes; you may not stay after hours. Secure each door behind you as you enter and exit. NEVER prop open any door to the building. Personal items of value (cell phones, laptops, tablets, wallets, purses, etc.) should not be left in workspaces or storage areas.

  • Violations

    The Student Involvement staff will conduct regular inspections of all workspaces and storage areas, including cabinets, and loss of space may occur if an organization is found to be in violation of any of these guidelines. Serious offenses may result not only in a loss of space, but also in the referral of the group or individuals to the Honor Code Council.

  • Archives

    If your group has old files and records that you would like saved, you can contact Archives to discuss a transfer of the materials. The history of your group is important!

Blanchard 3rd floor offices

A photo taken on the third floor of the Blanchard Community Center two students are shown working together.

  • Visitors And Guests

    A member of your student group must accompany any visitors or guests in your office at all times. Your group is responsible for the behavior and actions of the visitors and guests in your space.

  • Space Care And Upkeep

    Your group is responsible for the care of the space. If the space is damaged due to misuse or abuse, the group will be responsible for the cost of repairs, or if applicable, the replacement of items. Trash and recyclable materials should be deposited in the clearly marked receptacles located around Blanchard. Do not store open food containers or expired food in your space.

  • Office Space

    All machines and lights should be turned off when you leave the office. Do not place anything in a window, including signs or banners. Offices should remain neat and organized, and the floor should be clear to avoid tripping hazards. Do not remove furniture in or out of your space. You will be responsible for repair costs to address damage to carpeting and/or tile. For urgent housekeeping needs (spills, etc.) see if you can locate the building's custodian, or call Facilities. Make notes of problems you observe (broken locks, burnt-out lights, etc.) and contact the Office of Student Involvement to let them know about the problems.

  • Room Access

    A Board member or Primary Contact of a group should email Jaime DeCaro in the Office of Student Involvement with a list of students who are authorized to have OneCard access to the room. List the information in two columns on an excel document: the students' names and their MHC ID# (starting with 5).

Blanchard 108 storage cabinets

A photo of students doing work on the second floor of the Blanchard Community Center, in the background the staircase and upper balcony can be seen.

Student group storage and office space in Residence Halls

A group of students standing together and smiling for the picture are on the steps in front of the entrance to North Rockefeller hall.

  • Visitors And Guests

    A member of your student group must accompany any visitors or guests in your office at all times. Your group is responsible for the behavior and actions of the visitors and guests in your space.

  • Space Care And Upkeep

    Your group is responsible for the care of the space. If the space is damaged due to misuse or abuse, the group will be responsible for the cost of repairs, or if applicable, replacement of items. Any recyclable materials no longer needed by the group should be deposited in the clearly marked recycling receptacles located around Blanchard. Do not store open food containers or expired food in your space.

  • Room Access

    A Board member or Primary Contact of a group should email Nashalie Vazquez with a list of students who are authorized to have OneCard access to the room and or a key. List the information in two columns on an excel document: the students' names and their MHC ID# (starting with 5).

    Some spaces in the residence halls have a realtor lock so that multiple students have access to one key. The combination will be shared with the primary contact of the group.

Cultural Houses, Elliot House, and Unity Space

Refer to the policy and procedures as outlined by the Office of Community and Belonging.

Athletics Space

Refer to the policy and procedures as outlined by the Department of Athletics and Physical Education.