Creating an RSO

New Group Orientation sessions for the Spring 2025 process will be announced the first week of Spring classes.

Click for New Org Orientation Sessions

Please note starting in the 2025-2026 academic year, the process to create a new RSO will happen once a year, in the spring.

A photo of a group of students who are standing in front of a white wall with the words "The Food Bank." The students are waving and smiling.

Update: January 23: In Spring 2025 we are piloting Interest Groups, a new category of student organizations that allow students to have a simple group that does not need many resources to support them. They have access to fewer resources but also fewer requirements. Full details can be found on our New Student Organization Application Process document.

Starting a new organization is an exciting opportunity. The Office of Student Involvement wants to help you and your organization be successful. The process to get a new Student Organization or Interest Group is outlined below and takes approximately 6-8 weeks from start to finish.
Not all new groups will be approved, based on several factors, including but not limited to the number of similar organizations, the interest and sustainability, and the use of campus resources.
We've added a new category of organization called Interest Groups, which are perfect for students who are looking for minimal resources: space to meet, a table at the Involvement Fair and an Embark page to recruit, and fewer requirements (such as an advisor and constitution). Groups that do not meet the full requirements for a Student Organization may be approved as an Interest Group.
Certain types of organizations may require further vetting and approvals from other departments or administrators as well as additional recognition processes. This includes but not limited to Club Sports, Greek Organizations, and chapters of National Organizations.



Important Considerations


Does your group have class diversity in its leadership structure to ensure sustainability? The new organization process should not be initiated solely by rising or current seniors.


Does your group have at least 10 members? Applications should include 10 student sigatures.


All Student Organizations should have a faculty or staff advisor. You will submit their signed Advisor Agreement as part of the application. Interest Groups do not need an advisor and do not have to submit the Advisor Agreement.

Club Sports/Intramurals

We are not accepting additional Club Sports during the 2024-2025 academic year and may not be able to support intramurals at this time.

Greek Organizations

The College currently supports organizations that list Mount Holyoke in their Charter.

Summary of New Organization Criteria

Full Details

The organization must be open to any Mount Holyoke Student who wishes to participate.

The organization must provide direct benefit to the enrichment of Mount Holyoke students who participate, and potentially to the wider campus community.

The organization must fill a unique niche within the Mount Holyoke community.

The organization must seek to reflect the educational mission of the Division of Student Life.

The organization must be sustainable over time.

The organization must be able to qualify for Ways and Means funding (Student Organizations only, not Interest Groups).

Application Process: Stage 1

View the Full Process

Photo of a group of students from the Mount Holyoke African and Caribbean Student Association stand together, smiling for the picture. They are in front of a green backdrop with the abbreviation “MHACSA” on it in pink letters.

  1. 1

    Do Your Research

    Review the list of existing organizations to ensure that your proposed organization won’t duplicate or overlap with any other organizations’ objectives or a majority of their membership base.

  2. 2

    Student Organization or Interest Group?

    Interest Groups, a new category, allow students to have a simple group that does not need many resources to support them. They have access to fewer resources but also fewer requirements. Students may opt to apply directly as an Interest Group, which is a simpler process (no constitution, budget, or advisor is required). If an application does not fully meet the  requirements to start a new Student Organization, the group might be approved as an interest group.

  3. 3

    New Group Orientation (Required):

    Two of the creators and future leadership of any group seeking to become a new Student Organization or Interest Group must attend a New Group Orientation Session facilitated by a Student Involvement Consultant. These sessions will review all requirements, policies, and procedures for registered student organizations This is also an opportunity to obtain feedback about your idea.

  4. 4

    Recruit Members

    Each proposed group must submit the signatures of at least ten students who are, or seriously intend to become, members of the organization.

  5. 5

    Attend a Constitution Workshop (Recommended):

    (Student Organizations only) A Constitution must be submitted with the Application and this workshop can help answer questions. Click here for upcoming sessions or email

Application Process: Stage 2

-View the Full Process

Students from a dance troupe pose on stage after performing their dance.

  1. 1

    Complete the New Student Organization Application:

    The application form, which will be sent after completion of the New Group Orientation, must be completed to be considered for Student Organization or Interest Group status. This includes meeting all of the Minimum Requirements listed below.


  2. 2

    Minimum Requirements:

    The basic minimum requirements must be met prior to completing the application process. Below are these requirements:

    (All) Have a minimum of 10 students who are, or seriously intend to become, members of the organization. Upload the Signature Roster.

    (Student Organizations only) Complete and upload a Constitution.

    (Student Organizations only) Create and upload a sample Budget.

    (All) Meet the required Criteria.

Upon Approval

-View the Full Process

Three students all wearing yellow sit together smiling with their arms around each other at Convocation.

  1. 1

    Complete Recognition Requirements

    Required training must be completed by the last day of classes the semester the group is approved.

  2. 2

    Find an Advisor

    (Student Organizations only) Each approved organization should secure an MHC faculty or staff advisor and will be sent an Advisor Agreement for their advisor to sign. The signed Agreement should be emailed to the Associate Director.

  3. 2


    (Student Organizations only) New organizations are not eligible for funding during the semester they are approved.