The Student Involvement Consultants serve as a bridge between students and the many co-curricular opportunities at the College. They provide group and peer-to-peer advising and resources to help students connect to and engage with groups and activities on campus. They support student organizations and offer sessions and workshops focused on training, reflection, and skill-building. Most of their sessions and social programs take place in the Involvement Studio (304 Blanchard). Meet the team, stop by their drop-in hours, or email them at

Drop-In Hours (Blanchard 327)

Monday:  12-4 PM

Tuesday: 1-5 PM, 6-8 PM

Wednesday:  3:15-5 PM

Thursday:  12-3 PM

Friday:  12-2 PM, 3-5 PM

Individual Advising

Start your involvement journey! Whether you need help discovering clubs/organizations you can join, want to start a new club, or just need help connecting to other resources, the Involvement Consultants are here for you!

One great way to get started is to complete the PIP (Personal Involvement Plan) and bring it to an individual meeting or workshop to talk through ideas with a SIC.

Cartoon image of a cheerful ear of corn on a light green background with an orange speech bubble coming from the corn character reading “Hi! I’m Pip!!”

Student Organization Support and Development

The Involvement Consultants can support student groups in a variety of ways! They can provide Embark training, review constitutions, and advise on topics such as event planning, annual recognition, and elections.

They also hold workshops covering these topics and more: Officer Transition, How to Prepare for Pitch Meetings (for new orgs), and interclub discussions designed to get various groups together to talk about challenges, strategies, and ideas.

Image taken on the third floor of the Blanchard Community Center two students are doing work together in the background and a person walking past them and waving hello.

Extended Orientation Support

Hey new students - do some of the SIC faces look familiar to you? That's because some of our crew transition from the student Orientation team into the SIC role to continue to support you as you explore all that MHC has to offer.

An Orientation Leader smiling and wearing sunglasses is shown holding a bumper sticker that reads “I heart my Mount Holyoke student” while standing outside at the welcome tents on move-in day.

They also assist with the Involvement Fair, sponsor a session at BOOM! and support the Student Leadership and Service Awards, plan programs in the Involvement Studio - and more!