Club Sports Teams at Mount Holyoke

Club Sports Teams at Mount Holyoke

Mount Holyoke has six competitive club sports teams that appeal to a wide range of interests and abilities. The club teams include Dressage, Fencing, Ice Hockey, Rugby, Squash, Ultimate Frisbee and Western Riding.

Club Sports are registered through the Office of Student Involvement, and co-advised by them and the Department of Physical Education and Athletics. Teams must adhere and follow the regulations of any national affiliate groups and charters. The college may not be able to accommodate the creation of new club sports, depending on staffing and other resources.

Here are some of the basic differences between a recreation organization and a club sport:

  • Club sports are intercollegiately competitive. They practice and require coaches, who are paid from SGA funds and are a staff member of the college. These groups require greater administrative oversight and risk management.
  • Dance, movement & recreation organizations do not compete on the collegiate level and require little-to-no practice. Coaches are not provided.