
The College is not liable for the actions of its students, nor is it possible for the College to obtain liability insurance on behalf of its students. Student athletes especially should be aware that if they are sued for injuries or damages caused to others in the course of an athletic event, Mount Holyoke's insurance does not provide coverage. The liability section of a parent's homeowner's policy or renter's policy may provide for the defense of the student and damages awarded, if any, in a suit alleging negligence. Students are responsible for avoiding intentional acts or negligent behavior that could harm others or give rise to adverse legal action. Although Mount Holyoke College will not provide liability protection, it may assist in obtaining a defense if it is not provided for by parental insurance coverage.

If a student is sued for an act or omission and believes they were acting in the capacity of an employee or agent of the College at the time of such act or omission, contact the Dean of Students immediately for instructions.

The College will not provide any legal defense for any student accused or arrested for any criminal act, whether on or off campus, even if the student is on a field trip or other College function or program