Student Life

Make Mount Holyoke your own! From joining student organizations to celebrating your first Mountain Day, creating your adventure at Mount Holyoke is one of the most exciting parts of life on campus. Whatever experience you design, you'll come away with new memories, experiences and friends.

Division of Student Life

Cultivating a dynamic, engaged, and inclusive community that enriches the student experience, promotes wellness and belonging, and supports the purposeful development of every student.

Student Involvement

Programs offering students opportunities for leadership, service, and engagement, which create a vibrant and inclusive cocurricular campus life.

Residential Life

Includes residence hall administration and programming to support community building for students who live in the residence halls. See their resource site for more information.

Be Well

Be Well provides students with strategies and opportunities to create their own path to wellness, integrating components essential to building a life that sustains and empowers: healthy mind, healthy body, healthy community and a healthy life.

Community & Belonging

At Mount Holyoke, promoting a beloved community by cultivating an inclusive and socially just campus environment for all is a priority.

Counseling Service

Safe, confidential, and culturally competent counseling services are available to Mount Holyoke students.

Health Services

These include medical and nursing services, pharmacy services, alcohol and drug awareness, health education, and more.


In addition to our 13 NCAA Division III varsity teams, you can join our club sport program and explore plenty of PE and recreational options to get your body moving.

Public Safety & Service

Actively supporting, protecting, and engaging with the community by the means of aid, harm reduction, conflict resolution, and other best practices of safety and security.