From: Date: September 20, 2021 Subject: MHOC Leader Email, Week of 9/20
Happy Monday MHOC Leaders and Board and Happy Birthday Cayley (on 9/25)!!
If you are receiving this email it means that you are a Board member, Leader, or have expressed interest in becoming a Leader-welcome! This is our weekly Leader/Board email that has updates about leading trips, bonding events, and more
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email
Notes From Last Night's Meeting
If you missed our Leader-focused meeting this Sunday, find the notes linked here
Important takeaways are:
EVERYONE should join the Leader and Board member group me, linked here. This way we can all discuss leading trips together and new Leaders will have the chance to get their co-leading requirement done!
Start thinking about trips that you'd like to lead for the week of September 27-October 2! We have fleet vans available all day Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Welcome New Leaders! Next Steps:
Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in becoming a Leader and/or attended Sunday's meeting. Here are some next steps:
Fill out this Leader interest survey if you haven't already (if you already did-thank you! No need to fill it out again)
Look out for Leader training sign ups within the next two weeks and save the date! You must attend one Leader training in order to lead. We currently have an overnight planned October 1-2 and an evening event October 15; mark your calendar! There will be more in the future dependent upon interest.
You must co-lead one trip with an experienced Leader or Board member. Join the groupme (linked above) to see when people are leading trips that you can co-lead!
Stop by Office hours with any questions! Petra and Frankie have office hours from 5-6 in the MHOC Office on Tuesdays
Updates to Office Hours:
Office Hours have been moved around a bit, here's the updated schedule:
Monday 5-6: Thea, Cayley, and Sophie
Tuesday 5-6: Frankie and Petra
Wednesday 5-6: Maddy, Jess, and Zoe
Thursday 5-6: Jean and Mae
Friday 11:30-12:30: Caroline and Jean
Updates to the Anti-Racism Plan: We need your input!
As you may have seen, each week we are including an anti-racism resource in our weekly email to our general members. If you have any resources you'd like to see included, outdoors people you'd like to see highlighted, or organizations you'd like to boost, fill out the survey linked here!
Also, next week our meeting will at least partially focus on our Anti-Racism plan, developed in the Spring semester of last year. If you'd like to read through the three components, they are linked here (collaboration, inclusion, education). If you have any feedback to provide before the meeting, if you're not comfortable speaking at the meeting, can't attend, or anything else, please fill out the survey linked here. These are very much working documents and we appreciate and are actively seeking feedback to keep them evolving with the club's wants and needs.
Get Fleet Certified this Semester!
If you are lisensed driver (who has had a lisience for more than a year) you can become certified to drive the MHC's fleet of vehicles. This is important because we need leaders who can drive the van for trips! Driving a 15 person van is also a marketable skill.... so get certified!!
If you have been fleet certified previously; you can check your certification is still valid, and renew if needed, by emailing Amanda Florek ( Email Amanda and ask what you need to do to renew your certification.
If you would like to be certified for the first time; you should email Amanda Florek ( Say that you would like to be Fleet Certified and she will pass along the necesary material.
We have had SO MUCH interest from new club members in the Bigs and Littles program which is amazing!! This also means we need our Board members and existing Leaders to please participate as well!! If you are interested, please fill out this survey by Friday. It will close at midnight!
See You Next Meeting!
Our next meeting will be Sunday, Septmber 26 at 7 pm in the South Delles common room. Board members must attend, and Leaders as well as prospective Leaders are all welcome. You can enter through the South Delles sunroom as we keep these doors open, that way you don't have to be swiped in through the main doors. See you there!