Sun, Oct 6, 2024

11 AM – 6 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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Mary Woolley Hall, Chapin Auditorium

Accessible Building.




Join us for the our 2nd Annual Work Wear Thrift Event! This time bigger and better! This is your chance to select business casual clothing and accessories at no charge to you!  That's right, FREE CLOTHES! 

You must register for a specific time slot. Space is limited. Your time slot is your entry time.

This event gives students the opportunity to feel empowered when needing to be in a professional setting and having the ability to feel confident in their clothing. It is also an opportunity to contribute to a sustainable and circular fashion economy! 

Having access to professional clothing that makes you feel comfortable, confident, and aligns with your personal style is an important part of navigating job searches, interviews, special events, and internships! 


Hosted By

Weissman Center for Leadership | Website | View More Events

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