Disabled is not a bad word: On Living, Learning, and Thriving with Chronic Illness” with Imani Barbarin
Art Building, Gamble Auditorium
Accessible entrances, east and west entrances, all floors.
In a world built on ableism and set up for a very specific type of person to thrive and win, what does learning and working look like when academic institutions and individuals make space for the entire human experience? Imani will explore the realities of navigating your academic work while living with a chronic illness and/or a disability, how to advocate for yourself while achieving your personal, educational and professional goals and how Mount Holyoke can create an environment that supports every body.
Join us Tuesday for a Watch Party in Gamble Auditorium from 10:30 - 11:45 am followed by a Community Talkback with Disability Services Fellows in the Unity Center in Blanchard from 12:15 - 1 pm. Lunch will be served. You can R.S.V.P. and share your dietary and access needs via this link – https://forms.gle/XYaohGPpsEQkULtv5.
You can participate in these events virtually or in person.
To participate virtually in “Disabled is not a bad word: On Living, Learning, and Thriving with Chronic Illness” visit this link –
To participate virtually in the Community Talkback with Disability Services Fellows visit this link –https://mtholyoke.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rc-2qrTMuG9UXFgFqGjWsv2CtEk_nZZQ6
Please contact Lauren Gaia at lgaia@mtholyoke.edu with questions.
This event is sponsored by the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the Division of Student Life, the Teaching and Learning Initiative, the Office of Disability Services and Disability Services Fellows.