Wed, Dec 7, 2022

2 PM – 4 PM EST (GMT-5)

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Abbey Memorial Chapel, Interfaith Sanctuary

Accessible building.




Join Amber Bemak for Buddhist Meditation, followed by an opportunity for one-on-one conversation.


Amber Bemak's profile photo

Amber Bemak

Amber Bemak has engaged in a formal meditation practice for thirty years. She was raised as a young child attending family retreats at the Insight Mediation Center in Massachusetts and began her own practice at the age of fourteen. She studied with Michele McDonald for many years and practiced in the Therevadan tradition until 2001, when she was exposed to Tibetan Buddhism and met her teachers Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche and Phakchok Rinpoche. She then embarked on the path of Vajrayana practice and has been on this path ever since.

Originally from the United States, she has spent a great deal of time living as a foreigner away from her home country- first living between India and Nepal from 2006-20012, and then moving to Mexico from 2014-2016. During this time, she occupied the position of resident filmmaker for Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling monastery in Nepal on and off over a nine year period, and collaborated with Tibetan NGOs in India on a series of media activism projects during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, among many other amazing adventures, films, and projects. She is currently a professor of film at Southern Methodist University.

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